Cani e gatti ❤️ rivista Dog Style 2 En

Wire-haired Miniature Dachshund History The Dachshund, also called Deckel or Teckel, has been known since the Middle Ages. From the hounds (bracken), dogs particularly suitable for hunting in dens were progressively selected. The dachshund descends from these short-limbed dogs and it is known to be one of the most versatile hunting breeds. It also achieves excellent results on the terrain, hunting game and tracking it down and as a blood trail dog. The oldest association for the breeding of Dachshunds is the Deutscher Teckelklub eV founded in 1888. The Dachshund has been bred for decades in three different sizes (standard, miniature and rabbit/kaninchen) and in three different types of fur (short, wire and long). General Appearance Short, with short limbs, elongated but with a compact figure, very muscular, with a proud bearing and alert expression. Despite its short limbs, it does not appear awkward, heavy or limited in movement. DATA SHEET 148 4 - DACHSHUNDS 1 - DACHSHUNDS Germany Small 12-15 years 4-8 puppies Intelligent, courageous, lively, playful, stubborn 13-18 cm / 6 inches 5.5 kg / 12 pounds Black, black and tan, blue, brown, red, silver, white They easily adapt to travelling, and love exploring as long as they are never alone. Dachshunds adapt perfectly to apartment life. It would be ideal to have a small garden where they can relax every now and then. Frequent. It is not the most suitable breed for children, unless the puppy is trained to interact with them from an early age. They are wary of cats. They don't always get along with other dogs. They are generally shy and give little confidence to strangers. Some Dachshunds are very protective of their territory, while others easily let a stranger trespass. Little exercise is needed for Dachshunds, one or two walks a day are sufficient. Avoid jumps. It is trained quite easily although many repetitions are needed before it learns a command. Seasonal flea treatment is necessary, but it is not mandatory to have your dog clipped by a professional groomer. Intelligent but rather stubborn dog: it takes patience to teach this breed any commands. Dachshunds, like any other dog breed, love playing, however they are not the most play-friendly breed. Hypoallergenic: No. The breed is prone to spinal problems, particularly intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Approximately 20-25% of Dachshunds will develop IVDD. PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE SEASON CHANGE TREATMENT

