Border Collie - Pg.2 ❤️

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Border Collie. History: It is difficult to establish the origin of the Border Collie. Even if it entered the official canine world only after the middle of the last century, there is no doubt that it comes from the same stock that generated other English sheepdogs that were selected to obtain different lines and different types. The Border Collie presumably has its roots between Scotland and England; its name, in fact, derives from "border", which means border, and "collie", whose derivation is uncertain: for some it comes from "coleius", which in Welsh means faithful; according to others it derives from “colley”, a breed of Scottish sheep. The Border Collie, in fact, is still used to bring together the herds and for the management of the flock. General Appearance: Well-proportioned dog, with soft lines. It shows quality, grace, perfect balance, and resistance. Any tendency towards coarseness or excessive leanness is undesirable. It must not be nervous or aggressive but alert, active, receptive and intelligent. Any detail of structure or temperament which does not correspond to a working dog is to be considered atypical.

