Page 16 - Dog Style Fashion China
P. 16


            Moleculare dogs:             the BloodHound is also well wil-  At the park he falls sick   bacteria that often cause pro-
            Superdetective               ling to train, which makes him   See him run into a space green   blems for dogs but also to man. It
            BloodHound                   the candidate perfect to become   and open is always one satisfac-  must be said that the dogs them-
            The press calls them "molecular   a “dog from the track ”, ie inten-  tion but now from the University   selves do not demonstrate sym-
            dogs" because I am able to in-  ded for follow - in collaboration   of Colorado (USA) comes a study   ptoms to a greater extent
            tercept, with their nose, even the   with the police - tracks olfactory.   of “College of Veterinary Medicine   compared to the "healthy" sam-
            smallest molecules of smell. This   Unlike the rescue dog, trained to   and Biomedical Sciences " which   ple, the which means that - to the
            skill is fruit both of an innate abi-  follow a generic human trace,   warns us to be careful to intesti-  major contact with bacteria - the
            lity (more developed in some   the track dog spots a specific   nal parasites.         body develops greater tolerance
            breeds) than a training specific.   odor and it follows wake.   A search would have determined   to the same.
            Among the breeds that of     The BloodHound can be also   in fact that among dogs park   Concluding the advice of the vet
            course they excel in their flair   used in case of landslides or   goers yes would encounter more   is to continue to go to parks, but
            there is the BloodHound (Chien   avalanches? Better than no: its   often parasitic problems intestinal   to keep Fido at home if you al-
            De Saint-Hubert or Dog of    weight of about half quintal and   and related symptoms.   ready demonstrate intestinal pro-
            Sant’Uberto): of Belgian origin,   its conformation physics don't   In the feces of these dogs it is an   blems, to avoid contact with other
            our four-legged friend legs bo-  make it much agile in the snow   increased presence of Giardia   animals and overexposure to pa-
            asts about 4 billion of olfactory   and could cause landslides on   and Cryptosporidium was found,   thogenic germs.
            receptors (cats they only have   the rubble (for these tasks we
            200 million).                prefer the Malinois or dogs from
            Also the particular shape of the   Belgian shepherd).
            his nose helps him distinguish   Finally its name: BloodHound
            better individual molecules of the   does not mean "Blood hound" as
            smell.                       would like the literal translation
            Of docile and obedient nature,   but “pure blood”.

                                              Mexico: the first ice
                                              cream shop for
                                              Dog owners know this: swe-
                                              ets are poison for the ani-
                                              mals. However sometimes it
                                              is hard to refuse them a
                                              morsel when they look at us
                                              pleading. There are already
                                              many dog-sized treats but,
                                              with summer coming, from
                                              Mexico ice cream arrives
                                              Thanks to the collaboration
                                              with veterinary experts and
                                              nutritionists, Mauricio Mon-
                                              toya, owner of the ice cream
                                              parlor “Don Paletto" in Me-  The hypnotizing dog     collapse on stage you are asleep.
                                              xico City, has developed a   Her name is Princess and she is a   Krystyna argues that the ability of
                                              product without sugar and   beautiful Spitz with an extraordi-  his dog is rare but not unusual,
                                              lactose, good to eat but lac-  nary capacity: would be able to   given that in many animal species
                                              king of any harmful element.   hypnotize people.     yes they encounter hypnotic abili-
                                              Not only an ice cream was   The dog performs in numerous   ties aimed at immobilizing prey. Of
                                              born healthy but also good,   show together with his mistress   course not there are no skeptics,
                                              both for dogs that for their   Krystyna Lennon, too she hypno-  second who would be the skilled
                                              masters!                tist, and simply watching people   mistress to hypnotize people with
                                                                      in the eyes, it would make them   voice and gestures.

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